Welcome to Whispering into the Void.

Hi, I’m Alli Rense, and I’m really glad you’re here. I previously started this newsletter named “The Engineer’s Newsletter” as a nod to my career as a software engineer. “Whispering Into the Void” was the tagline, and later I decided to make that the title. I’ve often seen people refer to posting their writing online as “yelling into the void.” I like to think of this newsletter as more of a whisper.

I’m a software engineer who writes code during the day and stories at night. I have two wonderful children, a husband, a dog, and a cat. I decided to “get serious” about writing at age 39, whatever that may mean. Here you can follow along with my journey as a writer. I’m still not entirely sure what this newsletter is going to be yet, but I’m so glad you’re joining me for the ride.


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Writing about life, parenting, cats, and of course, writing itself.


Mom, writer, software engineer, cofounder. I write short stories and flash fiction. 🖋️ Rejection goal progress: 14/50